My penmanship sucks. Yes, it's true but I hope to change that this year. Some people might think that's crazy because "who writes anymore" with email, texting, and IM? Well, I happen to do a lot of handwriting every day and am very unhappy with my chicken scratches. I think handwriting is an art form that is under-appreciated and I'd like to appreciate my own handwriting a little more.
To improve my penmanship, I will:
Practice: My goal is to practice handwriting every day even if it's for just a few sentences. I will read websites with helpful tips and techniques and might finally learn to hold my pencil the "correct" way--just like Mrs. Green, my first grade teacher, worked so hard to teach me to do so many years ago.
Paper: I will practice my handwriting in an inexpensive journal that's been sitting around for years just waiting to be used. It will do for now but my guess is that there will be some useful suggestions on the Internets about what type of lined paper to use. I've been considering buying a journal/notebook with graph paper so that I have to pay more attention to each letter I am writing. I'm even open to writing on penmanship paper that is used in elementary school! I just cleaned out my teaching files and found a nice stack of this paper; I will make sure to keep a few sheets for myself.
Pens/Pencils: Don't we all have a favorite pen or pencil we like to use for handwriting? I do. My preference for a particular type of pen/pencil changes often but right now I prefer using a mechanical pencil over a pen. If I do use a pen, I like a medium point ballpoint pen.
I'm excited to finally work on improving my penmanship--it's been horrible since after college! I'll be starting here, "
Tips for Improving Your Handwriting".
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