
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Me-Made-May 2013 :: what I wore (a few months late-r)

It's already September and this news is from May but I still want to write about it. . .
Back in May I decided to participate in a month-long challenge: Me-Made-May!

Each participant was asked to make a pledge to wear and make handmade items throughout the month of May. We each had to set our own personal goals for the challenge.
My pledge:
I, Claudia of Dia's Days, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '13. I endeavor to wear a handmade garment or accessory 2 to 3 times a week and sew one garment each week of May 2013! 

Here is a collage of the clothes/accessories I wore or made during May. 
Me-Made-May 2013 summary

I wore dresses, skirts, scarves, and tops. (My son wore a handmade superhero cape on a day I didn't wear me-made.) I made a Mathilde Blouse, a Staple Dress, a Wiksten Tank, and some scarves.

The Me-Made-May Challenge renewed my interest in garment sewing and I look forward to the cooler weather ahead so that I can spend some time sewing clothes for myself and my family!

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